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Action : was.jdbc (Category : was, Name : jdbc, By : kikonf)
Complete Name : was.jdbc.by.kikonf Version : 5.0 License : Modified BSD License Purpose of the was category : Easy to customize. This category use in background the wsadmin command in jython mode (through AdminConfig, AdminControl and AdminTask), to drive WebSphere Application Server ® configuration. You can use it to manage the whole WebSphere ® architecture. Purpose of this jdbc plugin : Creates one JDBC provider The following shows the Descriptor File for the Action : was.jdbc Toggle lines <!-- Copyright (c) 2008, Patrick Germain Placidoux --> <!-- All rights reserved. --> <!-- --> <!-- This file is part of Kikonf Public Software. --> <!-- --> <!-- Kikonf Public Software is released under the modified BSD License, --> <!-- which should accompany it or any part of it in the file "COPYING". --> <!-- If you do not have this file you can access the license --> <!-- through the WWW at http://www.kikonf.org/license/bsd/license.txt. --> <!-- --> <!-- Home page: http://www.kikonf.org --> <!-- Contact: kikonf@gmx.com --> <!-- ====================================================================== --> <!-- --> <!-- --> <!-- --> <!-- ====================================================================== --> <!-- UPDATE | DATE | CODE | REASON --> <!-- ====================================================================== --> <!-- | | | --> <!-- --> <!-- --> <!-- ====================================================================== --> <jdbc type = '{\ *eq:action,\ *required:True,\ *display:False\ }' bal = '{*display:False}' sub_type = '{\ *value:configuration,\ *eq:configuration,\ *required:True,\ *deny:True,\ *display:False\ }' softwares = "{ '*type':'dict', '*dtype': { 'was': { '*ge':'6.1', '*le':'7.9', '*required':True } }, '*deny':True, '*display':False }" name='{*required:True}' path='{*type:str,*required:True,*help:%lang/action.was.en/jdbc.path.help,*lhelp:%lang/action.was.en/jdbc.path.lhelp}' prefix='{*help:%lang/action.was.en/prefix.help,*lhelp:%lang/action.was.en/prefix.lhelp}' desc='' __wk__='{\ *help:%lang/action.was.en/jdbc.help,\ *lhelp:%lang/action.was.en/jdbc.lhelp\ }' > <!-- path: The driver path usually the directory of the Database containing the jdbc jar files. --> <!-- prefix: On update operation, if prefix is guiven, kikonf will name the resource by <prefix> + '_' + <name> --> <!-- ex: with these value: --> <!-- prefix: income --> <!-- name: client --> <!-- kikonf will name the resource created in WAS by income_client. --> <!-- On create operation, if prefix is guiven all driver resources found under this scope prefixed by prefix are destroyed, --> <!-- otherwise only those named by name are destroyed. --> <scope cell = '{*value:false,*checkIn:(false,true),*required:True}' node = '' server = '' cluster = '' __wk__='{\ *eq:1,\ *help:%lang/action.was.en/scope.help,\ *lhelp:%lang/action.was.en/scope.lhelp\ }' /> <!-- Note only one of tags oracle/db2/oracle/msql can be used. --> <!-- Tag oracle(TM): version 5 is a non XA provider and version 6 is a XA provider. --> <oracle version='{*value:5,*checkIn:(5,6),*type:int,*required:True}' jars="{*value:ojdbc14.jar,*required:True,*type:str,*lhelp:%lang/action.was.en/jdbc.jars.lhelp}" __wk__ = '{*le:1,*lhelp:%lang/action.was.en/jdbc.oracle.lhelp}'/> <!-- Tag db2(TM) will use the DB2 Universal provider. --> <db2 xa='{*value:false,*checkIn:(false,true)}' jars="{*value:db2jcc.jar;db2jcc_license_cu.jar,*required:True,*type:str,*lhelp:%lang/action.was.en/jdbc.jars.lhelp}" __wk__ = '{*le:1,*lhelp:%lang/action.was.en/jdbc.db2.lhelp}'/> <!-- Tag msql will use the WebSphere embedded ConnectJDBC driver for MS SQL Server(TM). --> <msql xa='{*value:false,*checkIn:(false,true)}' jars='{*value:sqlserver.jar;base.jar;util.jar,*required:True,*type:str,*lhelp:%lang/action.was.en/jdbc.jars.lhelp}' __wk__ = '{*le:1,*lhelp:%lang/action.was.en/jdbc.msql.lhelp}'/> <!-- todo: <mysql xa='{*value:false,*checkIn:(false,true)}' jars='{*value:mysql-connector-java-3.0.9-stable-bin.jar,*required:True,*type:str,*lhelp:%lang/action.was.en/jdbc.jars.lhelp}' __wk__ = '{*le:1,*lhelp:%lang/action.was.en/jdbc.mysql.lhelp}'/> --> </jdbc> <!-- Trademarks: --> <!-- ___________ --> <!-- --> <!-- MS SQL Server is a registred trademark of Microsoft Corporation. --> <!-- Db2 and WebSphere are registred trademarks of International Business Machines Corporation. --> <!-- Oracle and Java are registred trademarks of Oracle and/or its affiliates. --> <!-- --> <!-- Other names may be trademarks of their respective owners. --> A descriptor file is a WYSISWYG xsd like schema, wich describes what are the supported Tags, Attributes and Attributes values for one Action. The special Attributes : type, sub_type, bal, softwares, __wk__ are reserved by Kikonf. The table below summarizes the informations provided by the was.jdbc Descriptor File : /jdbc>   Creates one JDBC provider
/jdbc/scope>   A scope refers to a Name Space where to create the resource Required:True
Trademarks :