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Action : was.sync   (Category : was, Name : sync, By : kikonf)
Complete Name :
Version : 5.0        License : Modified BSD License

Purpose of the was category :
Easy to customize. This category use in background the wsadmin command in jython mode (through AdminConfig, AdminControl and AdminTask), to drive WebSphere Application Server ® configuration.
You can use it to manage the whole WebSphere ® architecture.

Purpose of this sync plugin : Syncronize one node

The following shows the Descriptor File for the Action : was.sync

Toggle lines
<!-- Copyright (c) 2008, Patrick Germain Placidoux                          -->
<!-- All rights reserved.                                                   -->
<!--                                                                        -->
<!-- This file is part of Kikonf Public Software.                           -->
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<!-- Kikonf Public Software is released under the modified BSD License,     -->
<!-- which should accompany it or any part of it in the file "COPYING".     -->
<!-- If you do not have this file you can access the license                -->
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If wait_node is true the watch_dog will wait until the Node returns node is ready.

if given wait_application must be an existing Application name.
If wait_application is given the watch_dog will wait until the Node returns Application is ready.

Sometimes you may want to run a post synchronization script. Enter you command here.
This command is run into a separated process.
Stupid samples:
   sudo ls -ltr or

    type = '{\
    bal = '{*display:False}'
    sub_type = '{\
    softwares = "{
    <scopes  __wk__ = '{*eq:1}'>
    <!-- watch_dog will run only if one (or both) of wait_node or/and  wait_application is given.-->
    <!-- loop: How many times the watch dog should loop until it retreives Node or Application ready from the Node. -->
    <!-- sleep: How much time the watch dog should sleep between two loops. -->
    <!-- do_raise: if true an exception is raised if Node or/and Application ready is not obtains during this period, -->
    <!-- otherwise a warning is sent. -->
    <!-- Note: this node can be blank, default are loop:10 sleep:5 and do_raise:false. -->
    <watch_dog loop='{*value:10,*type:int,*required:True}' sleep='{*value:5,*type:int,*required:True}' do_raise='{*value:false,*checkIn:(false,true),*required:True}' __wk__='{*eq:1,*help:%lang/action.was.en/,*lhelp:%lang/action.was.en/sync.watch_dog.lhelp}'/>
(Source: <KIKONF_INSTALLATION_DIR>/plugins/actions/was/sync/by/kikonf/ACT_INF/action.xml)

A descriptor file is a WYSISWYG xsd like schema, wich describes what are the supported Tags, Attributes and Attributes values for one Action.
The special Attributes : type, sub_type, bal, softwares, __wk__ are reserved by Kikonf.

The table below summarizes the informations provided by the was.sync Descriptor File :

/sync>   Syncronize one node
Name Default Type Required Denied Help
wait_node false (false, true) True  
wait_application   str    


/sync/scopes/scope>   A scope refers to a Name Space where to create the resource
Name Default Type Required Denied Help
node     True    

/sync/watch_dog>   Tune the Watch Dog
Name Default Type Required Denied Help
loop 10 int True    
sleep 5 int True    
do_raise false (false, true) True    

Trademarks :
  • "IBM", "WebSphere", "WebSphere Aplication Server", "WAS" are registred trademarks of International Business Machines Corporation.
  • "Java" and "JVM" are a registred trademarks of Oracle and/or its affiliates.
  • Other names may be trademarks of their respective owners.

Copyright © 2011 - Patrick Placidoux, Hélène Malamoud