Home > wikikonf >  tom/actions/by kikonf > host



Action :   (Category : tom, Name : host, By : kikonf)
Complete Name :
Version : 1.0        License : Modified BSD License

Purpose of the tom category :
Easy to customize. This category use in background the Kikonf Repoz tools to create and configure Apache Tomcat ® root installs and Catalina bases at any level (server.xml, hosts or defaults).
You can use it to manage the whole Tomcat ® Architecture.

Purpose of this host plugin : Configure A Tomcat Virtual Host. A Tomcat Virtual Host is the association between a literal host name and a DNS entry The Sub Catalina instances running for this Host will accept this Host name. The Engine container can contains n Host, but one of them must match the defaultHost Attribute of its Engine Continer.

The following shows a sample Action File to use with the Action :
This sample file can be run with this command : kikact

Toggle lines
<!-- Copyright (c) 2008, Patrick Germain Placidoux                          -->
<!-- All rights reserved.                                                   -->
<!--                                                                        -->
<!-- This file is part of Kikonf Public Software.                           -->
<!--                                                                        -->
<!-- Kikonf Public Software is released under the modified BSD License,     -->
<!-- which should accompany it or any part of it in the file "COPYING".     -->
<!-- If you do not have this file you can access the license                -->
<!-- through the WWW at      -->
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<!-- DESCRIPTION : Tom alias configuration.                                 -->
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<!-- UPDATE     |     DATE     |   CODE   |  REASON                         -->
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    type = 'action'
    autoDeploy = 'false'      
    deployOnStartup = 'false'

        cbase = "{'*value':'$[software_tom_catalina_base]'}"
        service = ''
        engine = ''
        host = ''

(Source: <KIKONF_INSTALLATION_DIR>/plugins/actions/tom/host/by/kikonf/

  • Line 1 to 3 say something , say something , say something
  • Line 10 to 17 say something , say something , say something , say something , say something
  • Line 20 to 25 say something

Trademarks :
  • "Apache", "Apache Tomcat" and "Tomcat" are trademarks of the Apache Software Foundation.
  • "Java" and "JVM" are a registred trademarks of Oracle and/or its affiliates.
  • Other names may be trademarks of their respective owners.

Copyright © 2011 - Patrick Placidoux, Hélène Malamoud