Home > wikikonf >  tom/actions/by kikonf > aprconn



Action : tom.aprconn   (Category : tom, Name : aprconn, By : kikonf)
Complete Name :
Version : 1.0        License : Modified BSD License

Purpose of the tom category :
Easy to customize. This category use in background the Kikonf Repoz tools to create and configure Apache Tomcat ® root installs and Catalina bases at any level (server.xml, hosts or defaults).
You can use it to manage the whole Tomcat ® Architecture.

Purpose of this aprconn plugin : Configure an HTTP connector.

The following shows the Descriptor File for the Action : tom.aprconn

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<!-- Copyright (c) 2008, Patrick Germain Placidoux                          -->
<!-- All rights reserved.                                                   -->
<!--                                                                        -->
<!-- This file is part of Kikonf Public Software.                           -->
<!--                                                                        -->
<!-- Kikonf Public Software is released under the modified BSD License,     -->
<!-- which should accompany it or any part of it in the file "COPYING".     -->
<!-- If you do not have this file you can access the license                -->
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    type = '{\
    bal = '{*display:False}'
    sub_type = '{\
    softwares = "{
    address = '{\
    port = '{\
    redirectPort = '{\
    __wk__ = '{\

        cbase = "{'*value':'$[software_tom_catalina_base]'}"
        service = ''
        engine = ''
        host = '' = '{*checkIn:(true,false),*value:false}'
        context = '' = '{*checkIn:(true,false),*value:false}'
        context.default = '{*checkIn:(true,false),*value:false}'

        __wk__ = '{\

        connectionLinger = '{\
        connectionTimeout = '{\
        disableUploadTimeout = '{\
        __wk__ = '{\

        socketBuffer = '{\
        bufferSize = '{\
        maxHttpHeaderSize = '{\
        maxPostSize = '{\
        maxSavePostSize = '{\
        __wk__ = '{\

    <!-- scheme: Accepter None pour scheme, Switche a https si tag ssl (1)
         secure: Accepter None pour secure, Switche a true si tag ssl (1) -->
        enableLookups = '{\
        useIPVHosts = '{\
        proxyName = '{\
        proxyPort = '{\
        scheme = '{\
        secure = '{\
        __wk__ = '{\

        acceptCount = '{\
        maxKeepAliveRequests = '{\
        maxSpareThreads = '{\
        minSpareThreads = '{\
        maxThreads = '{\
        strategy = '{\
        threadPriority = '{\
        keepAliveTimeout = '{\
        pollerSize = '{\
        pollTime = '{\
        pollerThreadCount = '{\
        __wk__ = '{\

            __wk__ = '{\
            URIEncoding = '{\
            useBodyEncodingForURI = '{\
            __wk__ = '{\
        <!-- noCompressionUserAgents: TEXT list -->
        <!-- restrictedUserAgents: TEXT list -->
            __wk__ = '{\
                __wk__ = '{\
                __wk__ = '{\
            emptySessionPath = '{\
            xpoweredBy = '{\
            Server = '{\
            __wk__ = '{\
        Default off\
        on : allows\
        force : force compression for all MIMES TYPES.\
        int: <=> on + mimimum Datas length befor compression.
            enable = '{\
            compressableMimeType = "{\
                '*value': 'text/html,text/xml,text/plain',\
                '*help': '%lang/action.tom.en/',\
                '*lhelp': '%lang/action.tom.en/aprconn.extended.compression.compressableMimeType.lhelp'\
            __wk__ = '{\

            allowTrace = '{\
            tcpNoDelay = '{\
            __wk__ = '{\

    => Accepter None pour scheme, Switche a https si tag ssl !!! (1)
                           secure, Switche a on si tag ssl !!! (1)
    => Ajouter un tag (voir AFAIRE.txt) __display_activate__ = '{*value:true,*checkIn(true,false)}'
    Note ceci <ssl/>
    Provoque cela ds Server.xml :
    Connector : + scheme="https" +secure="true" +clientAuth="false" + sslProtocol="TLS"
    <!-- SSLCipherSuite est un TEXT list -->
        SSLEnabled = '{\
        SSLCertificateFile = '{\
        SSLCertificateKeyFile = '{\
        SSLPassword = '{\
        SSLVerifyClient = '{\
        SSLProtocol = '{\
        SSLVerifyDepth = '{\
        __wk__ = '{\

            SSLCACertificateFile = '{\
            SSLCACertificatePath = '{\
            SSLCertificateChainFile = '{\
            SSLCARevocationFile = '{\
            SSLCARevocationPath = '{\

            __wk__ = '{\
                __wk__ = '{\

(Source: <KIKONF_INSTALLATION_DIR>/plugins/actions/tom/aprconn/by/kikonf/ACT_INF/action.xml)

A descriptor file is a WYSISWYG xsd like schema, wich describes what are the supported Tags, Attributes and Attributes values for one Action.
The special Attributes : type, sub_type, bal, softwares, __wk__ are reserved by Kikonf.

The table below summarizes the informations provided by the tom.aprconn Descriptor File :

/aprconn>   Configure an HTTP connector.
Name Default Type Required Denied Help
address         %lang/action.tom.en/
port 8080 int True   %lang/action.tom.en/
redirectPort 8443 int     %lang/action.tom.en/

/aprconn/scope>   A scope refers to configuration Level within the Tomcat scheme.
Name Default Type Required Denied Help
cbase $[software_tom_catalina_base]        
service   str      
engine   str      
host   str false (true, false)      
context   str false (true, false)      
context.default false (true, false)      

/aprconn/timeouts>   %lang/action.tom.en/
Name Default Type Required Denied Help
connectionLinger -1 int     %lang/action.tom.en/
connectionTimeout 60000 int     %lang/action.tom.en/
disableUploadTimeout true (true, false)     %lang/action.tom.en/

/aprconn/sizes>   %lang/action.tom.en/
Name Default Type Required Denied Help
socketBuffer 9000 int     %lang/action.tom.en/
bufferSize 2048 int     %lang/action.tom.en/
maxHttpHeaderSize 4096 int     %lang/action.tom.en/
maxPostSize 2097152 int     %lang/action.tom.en/
maxSavePostSize 4096 int     %lang/action.tom.en/

/aprconn/methods>   %lang/action.tom.en/
Name Default Type Required Denied Help
enableLookups true (true, false)     %lang/action.tom.en/
useIPVHosts false (true, false)     %lang/action.tom.en/
proxyName         %lang/action.tom.en/
proxyPort   int     %lang/action.tom.en/
scheme http (http, https)     %lang/action.tom.en/
secure false (true, false)     %lang/action.tom.en/

/aprconn/pools>   %lang/action.tom.en/
Name Default Type Required Denied Help
acceptCount 100 int     Max Connection Queue lentgth ?
maxKeepAliveRequests 100 int     Max Keep-alive requests.
maxSpareThreads 50 int     Max unprocessing Threads ?
minSpareThreads 4 int     Min Threads created at startup ?
maxThreads 200 int     Max simultaneous Threads creatable by this connecxtor ?
strategy lf (lf, ms)     The thread pooling strategy.
threadPriority java.lang.Thread#NORM_PRIORITY       The priority of the request processing thread.
keepAliveTimeout   int     How much time to wait between request ?
pollerSize 8192 int     Keepalive connections.
pollTime 2000 int     Duration of a poll call.
pollerThreadCount         Number of threads used to poll kept alive connections.

/aprconn/ssl>   %lang/action.tom.en/
Name Default Type Required Denied Help
SSLEnabled false (true, false) True   Do enable SSL ?
SSLCertificateFile         The server certificate file.
SSLCertificateKeyFile         The server private key file.
SSLPassword         The server private key file password.
SSLVerifyClient none (none, optional, require, optionalNoCA) True   Do require a Certificate from the client ?
SSLProtocol all (all, SSLv2, SSLv3, TLSv1, SSLv2+SSLv3) True   %lang/action.tom.en/
SSLVerifyDepth 10 int     Maximum verification depth for client certificates.

Trademarks :
  • "Apache", "Apache Tomcat" and "Tomcat" are trademarks of the Apache Software Foundation.
  • "Java" and "JVM" are a registred trademarks of Oracle and/or its affiliates.
  • Other names may be trademarks of their respective owners.

Copyright © 2011 - Patrick Placidoux, Hélène Malamoud