Action : wmq.mqm (Category : wmq, Name : mqm, By : kikonf)
Complete Name : wmq.mqm.by.kikonf Version : 5.0 License : Modified BSD License Purpose of the wmq category : Easy to customize. This category use in background the runmqsc command to create and configure : Qmanagers, Qlocals, Qremotes, Clusters, Channels, Triggers, Processes, XMITQs, Listeners or SSL for WebSphere MQ ®. You can use it to manage the whole IBM WebSphere MQ ® architecture. Purpose of this mqm plugin : Configures a QManager The following shows a sample Action File to use with the Action : wmq.mqm This sample file can be run with this command : kikact wmq.mqm Toggle lines <mqm type = 'action' force = 'true' name='QM1' > <listeners> <listener name='LIST1' port='1111'/> <listener name='LIST2' port='1112' dfn='true'/> </listeners> <channels> <channel name='CLS_CHANNEL' type='CLUSSDR' cluster='$' host='localhost' port='1000'/> <channel name='CLS_CHANNEL' type='CLUSRCVR' cluster='$' host='localhost' port='1001'/> <channel name='CH3' type='SDR' host='localhost' port='1002' do_ssl='true'/> <channel name='CH4' type='RCVR' do_ssl='true'/> <channel name='CH5' type='CLNTCONN' host='localhost' port='1003' do_ssl='true'/> <channel name='CH5' type='SVRCONN'/> </channels> <queues> <local name='Q1' cluster=''/> <local name='Q2'/> <remote name='QM2.Q1' rqmname='QM2' rname='Q1' host='localhost' port='1414' cluster=''/> <alias name='AQ2' queue='Q2'/> </queues> <clusters> <cluster name='CLS1' full_repos='true'/> <cluster name='CLS2'/> <cluster name='CLS3' full_repos='true'> </cluster> </clusters> <ssl repos_dir='$[temp_dir]'> <selfcert/> </ssl> </mqm>
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